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Mini-Demo Walkthrough Template

On-demand demos are a great way to respect your prospect’s time by empowering them to watch and replay when it suits them, rather than demanding a big time investment. Provide value and relevance to convince them they need to see a full demo after all.
Use this video template
On-demand demos are a great way to respect your prospect’s time by empowering them to watch and replay when it suits them, rather than demanding a big time investment. Where appropriate, share mini-demos with Vidyard’s Screen + Cam feature to show your face, highlight specific features, and move the conversation forward. Keep your demo short by showing off just the aspects that are relevant to your prospect and answering their questions. Provide value and relevance to convince them they need to see a full demo after all.

What is a mini-demo walkthrough?

Creating and sharing product demo videos is one of the best ways to qualify more leads, book more meetings, and close more deals. Demos are a great way to show off your product works to solve your prospect’s challenges.

Video is a great way to record and share demos, as it gives autonomy back to the viewer to watch and engage with the content on their own terms. It saves the back-and-forth of organizing a meeting, and, best of all, with video analytics with a tool like Vidyard, you can easily track engagement with your demo videos and schedule follow-ups based on how much they did (or didn’t) watch.

A mini-demo walkthrough is slightly different from a standard full-product demo. It’s a result of ongoing conversations and discovery that you’ve already completed with your prospect, used to highlight specific features that are relevant to your prospect’s needs. Think of the mini-demo as the appetizer before you get the main course.

It’s a great way to let your prospect know that you’ve actually been paying attention during your earlier conversations and have hand-picked a specific product feature that’s perfect for them. A good mini-demo walkthrough relies on the show, don’t tell approach. Instead of sending a boring email listing off all the cool things your product does, you can show your prospect exactly how your product works to solve their problems and meet their needs.

An image on a sales script with customizable text

Download this video template script

Easily make this video yourself with a free sales script template. Simply download the script and follow along as you record your own videos using Vidyard. Download the script

How to use the Mini-Demo Walkthrough template

One of the strengths of the mini-demo walkthrough is the ability to show your prospect the value of your product. That’s why video is such an important part of this template.

You can use a simple screen recorder to show off your product, but to really grab attention and leave a good impression, use Vidyard’s Screen + Cam feature to record your video. This allows you to include a small camera overlay that shows your face as you conduct the mini-demo. It’s a great way to continue to build a relationship with your prospect.

Choose a feature or function of your product that is relevant to your prospect’s pain points. They’re sure to be excited to see how it works.

When to use the Mini-Demo Walkthrough template

The mini-demo walkthrough is a great video type to use after a discovery call or an introduction as a way to progress the conversation by providing value up front.

Make sure your mini-demo walkthrough is highly relevant and personalized to the things that you and your prospect discussed. Highlight only the key features that your prospect will want to see. It’s important to keep the mini-demo walkthrough short, especially if you’re using this template to book a larger conversation and full demo.

Remember, this is the appetizer. You don’t want to spoil the main course!