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Sales Glossary

The sales industry is always changing and evolving. Keeping on top of those changes can be tough. The Vidyard Sales Glossary is your ultimate guide to important sales terms, definitions, concepts, slang, insider business jargon and more to keep you up to date with the latest in sales industry lingo.

What is Sales Automation?

Sales automation refers to technology and software platforms designed and developed to automate repetitive or repeat tasks that arise in the modern sales cycle.

Many administrative tasks that sales reps need to perform are repetitive and time-consuming; sales automation makes the process easier. Implementing a sales automation cadence allows sales reps to use software programs or other online tools to automate routine tasks and free up valuable time to focus on generating more leads and building relationships with potential prospects and existing customers.

Why is Sales Automation Important?

Sales automation has many benefits, with the most impactful being that it saves time and resources. For example, suppose a small team, rep, or startup could use an automated prospecting tool to find and connect with suitable leads. In that case, they’d save multiple hours per week and reallocate that time to other tasks such as prospecting or relationship building.

Vidyard Prospector using AI to auto generate prospecting emails to targeted accounts.
Outbound Sales, Automated. Vidyard Prospector using AI to auto generate prospecting emails to targeted accounts. Spend less time hunting leads and more time hitting quota with Vidyard Prospector. Learn More

However, there are other benefits of sales automation as well:

Increase Productivity and Efficiency

Automated tasks increase productivity because sales reps don’t have to worry about time-consuming administrative work. They can set up whatever process is needed to create more time to focus on making sales. Their overall sales process becomes more efficient, and they’re more productive.

Faster Sales Process

Without needing to spend time focusing on repetitive work each day, the overall sales process speeds up. Sales reps don’t need to worry about remembering to send follow-up emails, book touchpoint calls, or input data. Plus, automating these tasks removes the chance of human error, saving time in fixing potential mistakes. Sales automation ensures the entire sales process is faster.

Reduces Response Times

No one likes waiting for a response, especially if they ask questions or need help troubleshooting issues. With sales automation, instead of waiting for a sales rep to schedule a call, an existing customer can automatically book time in a calendar or access FAQs online to provide help. Response times are reduced, and overall customer satisfaction increases.

Create Templates

Creating and using sales templates is especially helpful while prospecting. Instead of copying and pasting the same email, you can use sales automation tools to create unique templates for different scenarios. You can even create video emails to use as templates, which helps personalize and humanize outreach efforts.

Improve Data and Metric Tracking

Keeping track of data and measuring metrics can be tedious work. It’s incredibly time-consuming to input everything and ensure it’s accurate. If you fall behind, you must spend more time updating records later. Automating the process relieves headaches and frees up countless hours.

Maintain Consistent Communication

Sales automation can ensure consistent communication is shared with sales prospects and existing customers. If there’s a promotion coming up or an update to your product, you can easily automate a message to be sent to all contacts. Of course, you can still personalize messages as needed, but consistent communication is essential when conducting sales, and sales automation makes it easy.

What Are You Waiting For? Start Automating!

Sales automation has many benefits for sales reps, sales managers, startups, and founders. Any company focusing on conducting sales should implement tools to help with automation. It frees up valuable time, speeds up the selling process, and accurately records information.

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