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Sales Glossary

The sales industry is always changing and evolving. Keeping on top of those changes can be tough. The Vidyard Sales Glossary is your ultimate guide to important sales terms, definitions, concepts, slang, insider business jargon and more to keep you up to date with the latest in sales industry lingo.

What is a Warm Call?

A warm call is when you call a sales prospect you’ve identified as having potential interest in your product. You may have had previous contact with them; regardless, you’ve done research and know they’re a good match for your product.

Warm calling is the opposite of a cold call, where you’ve never made contact and don’t know if they’d be interested in what you’re selling.

When conducting a warm call, you know exactly who you’re speaking to, what their needs are, and if your product will serve them. Now, you just need to close out the sale and turn the sales prospect into a customer.

Is Warm Calling Effective?

Yes, otherwise sales reps wouldn’t do it! Warm calling for sales is a tried-and-true tactic and should always be utilized by sales teams.

Incorporating warm calls into your overall sales cadence is crucial. This tactic should be used alongside cold calls, emailing, and video prospecting. Make sure you’re prepared ahead of time, and have a plan in place to deal with any sales objections you might come across while conducting warm calls.

Warm Calling Tips

Do Your Research First

If you don’t do any prior research, you’ll end up cold calling instead. Remember, a warm call is only “warm” if you know who you’re contacting and have previously identified them as a sales prospect.

Before you even think about picking up the phone, identify who the contact is, where they work, what type of work they do, and how your product will help them achieve their business goals.

Have a Script Prepared

Don’t expect a productive warm call to happen organically. Yes, some talking points will come naturally and you shouldn’t sound like a robot, but it’s important to be prepared.

Outline the main points you want to cover and include notes on how to answer potential questions and provide additional context. Keep things straight and to the point, and make sure you highlight why your product is the right fit for their business.


Think about when the best time to call is. When are you likely to pick up the phone and engage in conversation? Avoid calling over lunch, first thing in the morning, or at the end of the day. Schedule accordingly and you’re more likely to receive positive engagement.

Personalize the Conversation

Again, research is key. You don’t want to sound like you’re delivering the same sales pitch to every sales prospect, so make sure you cater the conversation appropriately. Address your prospect by name, bring up information about their work you found while researching, and ask specific, pointed questions about their business objectives and what type of help they need.

Personalizing a conversation will also help ensure your prospect feels valued, rather than just another name on a list you need to cross off. Show them you care, and that you’re there to help them achieve their goals.

Follow Up

Regardless of how your initial calls goes, make sure to follow up.

If your prospect needs time to make a final decision, let them, but make sure your conversation isn’t forgotten. You can follow up with another phone call or send them a quick email.

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