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Revolutionize Your Sales Videos with an AI Script Generator: A Guide for Sellers

August 2, 2023·8 min read
Jesse Ariss

Jesse Ariss

There are many ways that AI can help take a load off and expedite parts of your sales process, and now video outreach is one of them. Learn how sellers can start using an AI script generator.

Quotas are going up, and budgets are going down. You’re facing pressure from leadership to do more, yet being provided with fewer resources.

Under that kind of squeeze, it’s more important than ever to grab your prospects’ attention and hold onto it by building strong connections. Video outreach is an excellent way to do that. But what if you don’t know what to say on camera, how to make it interesting, or how to scale it up?

Have no fear; AI can help. Cross that “write video scripts” task off your to-do list. You can generate compelling sales scripts with AI for different use cases and touchpoints across your outbound sales process. It lets you spend less time writing scripts, and more time actually selling.

Let’s dive into what this tool actually does, how you can use it, why it’s a must for your sales call plan, and some example prompts to get you started right now.

(Bonus: Vidyard, our video messaging platform, has an AI script generator built right in. So you can create your video script, have it displayed right on screen as you record your message, and send it⏤all from one place.)

A woman waves at the camera, recording a Vidyard video message with the help of Vidyard's AI Script Generator.
Vidyard AI Sales Script GeneratorA woman waves at the camera, recording a Vidyard video message with the help of Vidyard's AI Script Generator. Let AI be your assistant and create sales scripts for you. Try it Now
  1. Contents
  2. Can AI Generate Scripts?
  3. What Does a Sales Script Look Like?
  4. Why Use a Sales Script Generator?
  5. How to Create a Sales Script with a Generator: 6 Best Practices
  6. Our 9 Favorite AI Script Generator Prompts
  7. Start Using AI Sales Script Generators (and Stop Stressing)

Can AI Generate Scripts?

Before diving into the “how” of use AI to generate your sales video scripts, let’s start with the “what”.

An AI script generator for sales uses artificial intelligence to create tailored sales call scripts in seconds based on prompts that the user enters. In the case of Vidyard’s AI script generator, you enter your video script prompt and generate your script. Then, you can use Vidyard’s video tools to record and send your message for any type of sales video based on that script.

You provide specific details and instructions about your script, like the preferred length of the video, the target audience, and the product features you want to highlight. The sales script AI will return a customized script for you to review, tweak, and record.

Learn more about how to use Vidyard’s Speaker Notes to make recording your video messages a breeze.

What Does a Sales Script Look Like?

Here are a couple of B2B sales script examples taken right from our AI script generator.

Prospecting Outreach Script Example

Hey Laura, it’s great to connect with you! I wanted to quickly share something that could really boost your sales game. Have you heard of Vidyard? It’s an amazing video platform that helps BDRs like yourself stand out from the crowd and close more deals.

With Vidyard, you can easily create personalized videos to engage your prospects in a whole new way. Imagine sending a quick video introduction instead of a plain old email. It’s a game-changer!

I’d love to show you how Vidyard can revolutionize your outreach efforts. Let’s schedule a quick meeting to discuss how it can specifically benefit you and your sales process. Just click the link below to book a time that works best for you.

Thanks very much for your time, Laura. I look forward to connecting soon!

Pre-Meeting Reminder Script Example

Hey Doug, it’s Jesse from Vidyard. Just wanted to drop you a quick message to remind you about our meeting tomorrow at 11:30. I’m really looking forward to catching up with you and discussing how we can help your company achieve their goals.

By the way, I’ve sent you an email with all the details, including the Zoom link for our call. It should be right there in your inbox. If you have any trouble finding it, just let me know and I’ll be happy to resend it.

Remember, this meeting is a great opportunity for us to dive deeper into your specific needs and explore how our solutions can benefit your company. So come prepared with any questions or concerns you may have.

Looking forward to connecting with you tomorrow at 11:30 sharp! Thanks very much for your time, I look forward to connecting soon!

Why Use a Sales Script Generator?

Let’s start by saying that AI script generators are not here to replace you. These are simply tools to help you unlock productivity in your role and help you sell better.

Connecting with prospects and champions will always require building personal relationships by being your authentic self. You’ll be able to spend less time mulling over what to say once you hit record—and more time connecting with additional prospects and customers.

Here are the main areas where it can help you out:


Enter prompts to personalize a video sales script for each prospect by adding in their name, individual needs, pain points, and interests.


Writing a compelling video script from scratch can be a daunting task. AI streamlines this process, allowing you to create persuasive video messages in a fraction of the time.

Boosting Confidence

If you’re nervous about starting to use video messaging in your sales calls, AI makes script writing one less thing to worry about. And the more you use it, the easier creating videos will be.

Unlocking Creativity

Playing around with different prompts can offer fresh ideas and new perspectives you may not have considered, enhancing your video scripts and making them more impactful. More on that below!

How to Create a Sales Script with a Generator: 6 Best Practices

Alright, enough about why you should use it. How do AI script generators actually work?

Like ChatGPT or other generative AI tools you may have tried, it all starts with a prompt. What you put in, or request dictates what you’ll get out of the tool. The better the prompt, the better the output.

Just a quick note: Script generators aren’t quite perfect. Before hitting record, you need to review and validate the outputs to ensure everything is accurately represented and coming across the way you intend.

They will read anything that is put on that teleprompter. I mean an-y-thing. The importance of validating what comes out of an ai script generator.

Here are some best practices for writing prompts that will get you the best results for script writing and some examples too.

1. Be Specific

AI isn’t a mind reader. If you want certain details to show up in your sales script, provide them in your prompt.

Give clear and concise information about your target audience, the script’s purpose, and details about your product or service to help the AI script generator understand your needs and generate a sales video script that meets your expectations. 

Hot tip: If you just ask for “a script”, you might end up with Shakespearian dialogue. Be sure to ask for a sales script specifically.

Try copying and pasting this prompt into the generator:

Write a [30-second] sales script for [prospect’s name and job title].  Include in the script how [your product or solution] can solve [insert problem you solve]. Begin with an attention-grabbing question and end by asking [your call to action]. 

2. Set the Tone

To make the video script sound more human, describe the tone or style you want to portray, whether professional, casual, persuasive, funny, or something else. This will help the AI generate content that sounds more like you!

Now let’s take the prompt from the last example and add some personality to it:

Write a [friendly and persuasive] [30-second video script] for [your prospect’s name and job title]. Include in the script how [your product or solution] can solve [insert problem]. Begin with an attention-grabbing question and end by asking [your call to action].

3. Provide Examples

Video script still missing the mark? The AI script generator can refer to URLs and other examples you provide.

Next time you send a follow-up video, you don’t have to recap the call yourself. Try directly copying and pasting your meeting transcript (from Gong or another tool) into the AI script generator and ask it to summarize.

Give this example a go:

Write a 90-second video script summarizing the below text: [paste your transcript here] and end by asking [your CTA].

4. Get Creative

If you don’t grab attention in the first few seconds, your prospect might stop watching too soon. A great use of the AI script generator is to get it to help you add creative flair to your video message. You can ask it to write a script as a character from a movie or write a poem about your prospect. The sky’s the limit if you spend some time playing with it.

Try this prompt example:

Write an [upbeat] [30-second] sales script using lines from the movie [your prospect’s favorite movie] to remind [your champion] about an upcoming demo call to walk through [your product].

5. Keep it Short and Focused

Lengthy prompts can make identifying the main objective challenging for the AI. Keep your prompts concise and focused on the key points you want to convey in your video message.

6. Keep Iterating

Two people could use the same recipe for apple pie, and their pies will still come out of the oven looking and tasting a little different, right? The same goes for prompting AI. What works once may not work perfectly a second time. To get the most out of this tool, spend time trying different prompts and phrases and explain things in different ways to get the desired results. The better you get at prompting the AI script generator, the faster it will be at creating awesome video scripts.

Our 9 Favorite AI Script Generator Prompts

Here are some bonus prompt templates for you to try out at different points in your sales process.

Prospecting and Cold Outreach Video Script Prompts

  • Write a 1-minute sales script to describe the benefits of [product] over [competitor].
  • Write a 30-second sales script to sell [product] to [prospect’s name] and ask them to book a meeting.
  • Write a 30-second sales script asking if [prospect’s name and job title] is struggling with [problem]. Include a joke about [your prospect’s hometown].
See it in ActionVidyard video thumbnail - click to play

Follow-Up Video Script Prompts

  • Write a 30-second sales script as a follow-up to a meeting with [prospect] from [prospect’s company]. Let them know that I’m attaching [resource name], where they can read more about [product name].
  • Summarize the below message into a 45-second sales script [Copy and paste summary email or part of a call transcript]
  • Write a 30-second sales script to ask why [prospect] didn’t show up for our discovery call on [date and time]. Start by making a joke about getting ghosted. End by asking them to reschedule.
See it in ActionVidyard video thumbnail - click to play

Deal Progression Video Script Prompts

  • Write a confident 1-minute sales script to remind [prospect] about [important point] and [important point] from our last call. Let them know that I’m sending over the contract and that they can reach me anytime if they have any questions.
  • Write a 30-second sales script to let [prospect] know that I’m sending over the proposal. Summarize the following [copy and paste proposal]. End by reminding them of our upcoming meeting on [date and time].
  • Write a cheerful 30-second sales script to remind [prospect] about our meeting tomorrow at [time]. Let them know the Zoom link is in my email.
See It in ActionVidyard video thumbnail - click to play

Start Using AI Sales Script Generators (and Stop Stressing)

AI script generators like the one offered by Vidyard can be beneficial for sellers looking to streamline their video outreach process. With the appropriate prompts, the AI can generate a tailored and personalized sales video script in seconds to help you record better videos faster.

Now, it’s important to remember that the AI script generator is only a tool to assist sellers in their sales process. Nothing can replace you as a seller and the personal touch you can bring to your outreach efforts. 

You can try Vidyard’s AI script generator for yourself and see what comes back. For additional inspiration, why not explore our pre-canned sales video examples in our Sales Templates Hub?

A woman waves at the camera, recording a Vidyard video message with the help of Vidyard's AI Script Generator.
Vidyard AI Sales Script Generator A woman waves at the camera, recording a Vidyard video message with the help of Vidyard's AI Script Generator. Let AI be your assistant and create sales scripts for you. Try it Now

This post was originally published on April 19, 2023. It was updated on August 2, 2023.